

  • Django
  • Custom Building Blocker
  • Multi-site
  • Rescue Project
  • Django Website
  • Payment Integration
  • Map Integration

New content management system (CMS) to manage their network of websites within the time frame and budget.

Maggies is a registered UK charity that does incredible work to support anyone with cancer and their families. They have centres alongside NHS hospitals across the country. We were approached by Maggies to help rescue a web development project which was on the brink of collapse. A large percentage of our projects are rescue based. We relish challenges – and therefore often take on complex work that our competitors would not.

How we approached this Rescue Project

Creating a pragmatic plan in order to achieve success, enabled us to gain the trust from Maggies to start this exciting opportunity.

Without going into the technical, we successfully managed to build a content management system (CMS) to manage their network of websites within the time frame and budget. The building block structure CMS will allow staff at Maggies to easily update content and move elements around on their website.